7:30 pm — 7:00 pm

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Theme. The theme for the weekend is Discipleship in Times of Crisis.

Speaker. Gavin Anthony is the Iceland Conference president, teaches discipleship at Andrews University and generally focused on how we can prepare for the return of Jesus by becoming disciples who make disciples who make disciples. Gavin is a British married to an Icelandic and lives in Rejkavik. The couple have two young children.

Venue. The conference is taking place on Zoom due to the current Covid-19 situation. However, the walk on Sabbath afternoon will be in person 🙂 For the Zoom conferences, you can join in several ways:

  • through your computer: no need to install Zoom client if you use Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge, just open this Zoom link (if asked for a password, type 864772), or
  • via your smartphone: you will need to install Zoom, please follow the instructions after clicking on https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86453916435 (if asked for a password, type 864772), or
  • by calling 022 518 9006. If you join by calling in, when asked about Meeting ID, please type 864 5391 6435, and when asked about a password, please type 864772 (in this case, you can join only by audio).

Program as follows:

  • Friday 7:30PM – 8:30PM: Introduction of the speaker and the topic
  • Sabbath 10AM – 11:30AM: Morning worship
  • Sabbath 2PM – 3:30PM: Walk on the lakeside, starting from Ouchy (subject to weather condition)
  • Sabbath 5:30PM – 7PM: Closing ceremony

Translation to other languages. If you need translation to French and German, please let us know, and we will do our best to provide it.

Registration. Please let us know if you are joining, so that we can plan breakout groups accordingly.

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November 6, 2020 @ 7:30 pm
November 7, 2020 @ 7:00 pm
Event Categories:
Shannon Jaggi

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