Beloved, I do not know what led you to this site today, but you can be certain I am highly excited for this encounter and hope this encounter will develop into the establishment of a stronger and lasting relationship with us. You are welcome to the Adventist English Group-Vaud. We do not take this encounter for granted at all considering how special you are to us. We are diverse, multicultural, international English Seventh-day Adventist community in the Lausanne area that shares a deeper love for Jesus and humanity and also seeks to relate appropriately with the rest of creation as stewards. We are committed to demonstrating, sharing and spreading the good news of Christ transforming love in a practical way to our neighborhoods, the Canton Vaud, and the world. We are a very proactive group that seeks to be creative, relevant, honest, and adventurous in our life together as a community in the society in which we live.

Our lasting commitment is to be down to earth and minister to you at the level you might feel a need. We are also committed to offering a standing invitation for everyone to become deeply integrated and get involved in the life and ministry of our group. We are confident you will come to know in the shortest possible time in this encounter that, the rationale for our existence as a group is to create authentic community, show and share genuine compassion, and share the transforming love of Jesus.

We, therefore, warmly welcome you and at the same time invite you to join us in our journey of worshiping, serving, learning and growing together as a community in making a difference in the world.