The first of August, which is a Swiss national day, saw a team of Adventist English Group-Vaud members reach out to the Lausanne community. The day was marked with the distribution of flyers inviting people for a musical concert, distribution of literature materials, sharing of fruits, free hugs and children lifting balloons with their own customized message of prayer. Even though at a point it started raining, that did not extinguish the spirit and passion of the team. We were determined to share that special occasion with the Lausanne community. The significance of the occasion and the outreach is how it reminded us of Pentecost, a Jewish national holiday and the great outreach that the apostles undertook on that special occasion. Even though the group did not receive such a great response as the day of Pentecost, it was considered a big step forward in sharing the love of Christ with the Lausanne community. The reaction of people who benefited from the outreach was pure satisfaction which brought great joy and warmth to the heart. The team was grateful to God for such an experience and encouraged to engage in such outreach activities in the future.